Cut determines the sparkle and brilliance of the diamond. Selecting the right cut is one of the most important decisions for choosing your diamond. Colour
The most valuable diamonds are classified as colourless, however choosing a diamond with a lower colour grade which while still appearing colourless is more affordable. Clarity
Clarity is the easiest of the four diamond characteristics to understand. The higher the clarity the fewer the imperfections; in a nutshell the higher the clarity the higher the price. Carat
Carat is the weight of the diamond, however diamonds with the same carat weight may differ vastly in size and diameter.

I think of the Four C’s as a give or take, if you want to increase one criteria you may need to decrease another to stay within the same budget.


Other Aspects to Consider – Polish, Symmetry, Fluorescence In addition to the ‘4Cs’, there are several other factors that impact the beauty and value of the diamond. Polish describes how smooth a diamond’s facets (sides) are, and symmetry refers to how these facets are aligned. The cut of a diamond (one of the ‘4Cs’) is more important that polish and symmetry, but these can be useful in choosing between diamonds that are otherwise identical. Polish affects the amount of light that enters and exits a diamond and with a poor polish grade have less brilliance. Look for a polish grade of good or above. Symmetry refers to the degree of proper arrangement/alignment and shape of facets. Poor symmetry will detract from how much light flashes in the stone as it is moved. You should aim for a symmetry grade of good or above. Fluorescence refers to a diamond's tendency to emit a soft colored glow when subjected to ultraviolet light (such as a "black light"). Diamonds with high fluorescence tend to appear slightly milky in sunlight. The higher the fluorescence the lower the price.